Rocco’s super bright prisma lites

Artikelnummer: 1141

19,50 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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Rocco, der Erfinder von „Licht von überall“ und Murphy’s Magic haben die neue, superhelle Version der D-Lites – die Super Bright Prisma Lites, geschaffen!

Die Super Bright Prisma Lites bieten wir in folgender Ausführungen an:
Standard, rot

For hundreds of years magicians have dreamed of harnessing light with their bare hands.With SUPER BRIGHT PRISMA LITES™ you will have the ability to control light with superhuman ability.

Make light appear, disappear, move from hand to hand or pass through solid objects!

Magically pluck the light from a lightbulb!
Take light from smartphones as well as other objects, and miraculously have the light appear wherever you wish!

• Durable, bright light
• Soft texture
• Realistic feel, color and detail
• In-depth expert online instructions by Rocco
• Customizable fit
• Easy to learn and perform
• Perfect for any age